I have a few techniques for combating this. The first one is quite simple. Walk. I do all my creative thinking while walking. I get all my ideas, everything creative thought and angle while I walk. When I write or draw, I am merely trying to remember what I thought of while I was out walking. There is a problem inherent in this. I've forgotten alot of good ideas because I don't have a note pad on me, and I feel too silly dictating on my phone. A good example of this: I've been trying to write a book for years. I know how it's going to end, but I haven't really been able to get the path to the end sorted out. One day I was out walking, and it came to me. The perfect solution. Everything clicked into place. Every plot hole was filled. It was amazing. By the time I'd made it back home, it was all gone, and I've not been able to recover it since.
So take a lesson from me. Walk alot. But carry a pen and paper.
Another thing I do when trying to capture that elusive creative spark, is go to the cinema. I always come back with a million new ideas. You probably think that this sounds awfully similar to plagiarism, but let me explain. It is not the scenes themselves that triggers me. I am a very emotional person. I feel things strongly. Watching a movie in a cinema is usually a very strong emotional experience for me. And I get a desire to replicate the emotions I feel in my own writing.
I'd mention music as well, but I'll save that for a seperate post. Suffice to say, when I'm out walking, writing new stuff in my head, I am always listening to music. It is a must.
The last thing I'll mention is other things I know. Other interests. I believe that is a treasure trove of inspiration, and I borrow heavily from that in my writing. An example. During my military service, I was an army medic. After my discharge, I joined the Red Cross Search and Rescue, and spent 4 years as a volunteer. The story is littered with things I learned or experienced during that time. I am also a huge football fan. ("Sawker" to you yanks out there.)
I've said earlier that the look of Rai was partly inspired by a football player called Claudio Marchisio. What may surprise you to read is that the look of Baltimore's 10-year old daugher Mbali is also inspired by a football player, called Alessio Cerci. See if you can spot the influence.
By the way, I will with each new blog post I put up here include one piece of all the wonderful fan art I've received the last year, starting with the very first one I got, from artist unknown. (this was a secret santa thing last year) If you recognise your own work, I'd love to get a hold of you to thank you properly.
Now I know what to get you for christmas :-)